Welcome to the 'Hood
This is the street in front of my apartment. The brown building on the corner appears to be a restaurant or storefront but it rarely rolls up its straw shades, so who knows. My building is the 3rd one back. It is made of ugly grey concrete. But after the earthquakes, tsunamis and typhoons strike, I will be the last of my friends left standing. Always looking on the bright side. The apartments' name is "Sun Rise Height." I live on the 3rd floor next to a wonderful Japanese woman who is an English teacher at a nearby high school. The first floor of the building is a pub on one side and a coffee shop on the other. The clientele all but live there, save their names on the mailbox. Haven't tried either joint yet; but in the mornings as I'm leaving for work I usually run into the coffee shop owner and we exchange an "Ohayo gozaimasu."