During the month of July, I am working for EC in Boston. They have offices all over the world in English-speaking countries. In Boston, I am teaching English for 3 hours in the mornings and leading activities for 3 hours in the afternoon. The weekday program is a great experience and gives me the opportunity to help lead extra weekend activities, such as last Saturday's day trip to New York City.
Our first stop was 47th & Broadway, or Times Square. Whenever I come here, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by all the people, buildings and lights. It is not a large area, but it is a very special area. The herds of people walking every which way make it impossible to walk quickly from one end of the Square to the other, making it seem larger than it really is. The City has blocked off traffic in Times Square and deposited about a hundred lawn chairs for people to rest in. We sat out in the middle of Broadway, ate our sandwiches and people watched!
We also went to the top of the Rockefeller Building for the view and then took a ferry to Staten Island and back to see the Statue of Liberty. It was amazing to see it in person after so many years of just seeing pictures of this national icon. After visiting these three places in New York City, we drove down 5th Ave, Madison Ave., and through the East Village on our way out. It was a short trip, but the time we had was well spent.
I am always impressed by the number of free events, entertainment, museums and generally interesting things going on in New York City. Its energy is actually tiring in a way, but also inspires creativity.
Also for someone like me who enjoys studying language and trying out different cultural foods and activities, it is a mecca for all things from other countries, since it is truly the world's meeting place.