Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I have to work this Saturday. A group of exchange students from the states are coming on Friday afternoon, so to make the most of their time here our school has decided to pretend there are classes on the weekend. Weird. I am convinced this would only ever happen in Japan. Its not even going to be a fun day, its going to be a normal school day, and I have to teach at 8:30am. In the afternoon, the exchange students and our school's band will perform some music together for the school. I also will be co-MC for this event. Today I was revising the script of what my co-MC wants me to say on Saturday. He mentioned I might want to act more "American" on stage. According to him, I act too "British." So he suggests that I borrow his American flag tie, and act loud and outgoing. Finally he asked me if its okay to ask the students to perform the song "Amazing Grace," because, isn't it a "black persons" song? I assured him it would be fine, although he should be aware it has religious meaning. He laughed and said that's okay because the Japanese don't understand Catholicism anyway.