Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Things I've Learned So Far...

Thought I'd spread the wisdom that four months in Japan has brought me.

1) I've never been more American since I moved to Japan. Afterall, it is my job. However, I've never felt more stereotyped as an American, or told I'm "not American enough" by my co-workers.

2) If everyone was as trusting as the Japanese, the world would be a much different place.

3) "Muzukashi," translation: impossible or difficult, is the first word of Japanese many foreigners learn - its telling.

4) Most Japanese women want to look more Western. Most foreign women here want to be more like Japanese.

5) White lies are essential to good relationships.

6) Trying to feed yourself sucks when you go to the grocery store and all the produce is different, you can't read packaging, and if you go to a restaurant you can't read the menu or speak enough to order.

7) Being illiterate makes you dependant on word of mouth and you miss out on alot of information.

8) A friend dropped out of a good University in Peru to come to Japan to work twelve hour shifts in a factory with an alternating shifts - every other week days, every other week nights. The promise of money will make people forget life is short and dreams are priceless.

9) Life is short, friends and dreams are worth more than any salary.

10) Japanese fashion is the best and worst thing that happened to style.