"People Beating Pans All Over the Country!" If an Argentine wants to REALLY pull out the big protest guns, s/he will find the big ol' nastiest pan and spoon and beat them together till the whole nation picks up and joins them in resounding, clanging disapproval of the government. There are no words, no shouted slogans, just TA, TA, TA-TA-TA!!! Tonight I can hear the "ta ta ta-ta-ta" of people beating pots and pans from their windows and in the streets. People are protesting the new export tax the government has put on grain products. Car horns are beeping everywhere, a woman shouted on the news "que se vaya la presidenta!" (the president should go) and the sound of beating pots is like an aggressive, unhappy modern jazz band with hundreds of members playing outside our window. The Argentinos know how to protest!